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My name is Annie and I am the artist behind The Bonnie Bothy. Having previously trained as a painting restorer, I started making moss art as a way of bringing greenery into my small flat in Edinburgh. After experimenting  with living walls and building a self-watering plant wall, I stumbled across preserved moss and plants and were amazed by their beauty and the versatility they provided in creating indoor green spaces. I realised they were the perfect way to combine my artistic and practical training with my love of plants and the outdoors. In 2019 I tentatively made some small moss pieces to sell at a Christmas market and they were so well received that I decided to start The Bonnie Bothy! And from there is became my full time job.  




Since that first market I have left the city and now live in the north of Scotland with my partner and our new baby boy. I have turned the garage into a studio and we have a mossy forest across the road from our house - what more could a girl want? In all seriousness, however, I am passionate about all things outdoors and particularly the concept of biophilia: the innate human instinct to connect to nature. And I can attest first hand to the difference it has made to me being surrounded by green after living in cities for the previous 6 years. Bringing elements of thatgreenery indoors has so many proven benefits: from reducing stress to increasing productivity and creative thinking. Moss art combines all these benefits with the unique ability to create something designed and artistic, not to mention the fact that you also don’t need to worry about plant watering or maintenance.  I love to think of my moss pieces as a way of bringing a curated piece of mossy forest into your home. 

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